Forty acupuncture needles can easily fit inside the opening of the hypodermic needle.
Acupuncture Needle
Abdominal Acupuncture Points with Needles
Acupuncture points on abdomen can be used to improve digestion, assist liver function, encourage urinary flow and address hormonal imbalances.
Symptomatic acupuncture treatment for tennis elbow
Some acupuncturists address the symptoms only by placing the needle in the area of pain. Although this approach can still be effective on many occasions, it is not regarded as the highest form of art.
Related page: Acupuncture Treatment for Tennis Elbow & Golfers Elbow
Forehead Acupuncture Point – Yintang Seal Hall
Location: between the eyebrows.
Indications: Insomnia, Vertigo, Anxiety, Nasal Congestion etc.