External Chinese Medical Therapies

Applications of Chinese medicines are very wide.  They have been used not only internally, but also externally since the Stone Age. Ancients attempted to stop bleeding by applying mud or plant ashes to the affected body parts to relieve pain, swelling or itchiness.  Medicinal herb bath was used to induce perspiration and increase the blood circulation.

China is a large country, so the traditional application methods of external Chinese medicines vary from region to region.  Some of these traditional therapeutic methods are still used today in modern medical facilities in China.

Bathing in Warm Herbal Decoction

Medicinal Hot Bath
From “A Collection of Essential Materia Medica”, Ming Dynasty. Hu Qing Yu Tang Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Hangzhou, China

An illustration describing external therapies such as hot compress, wet compress, medicinal bathing, ointment, and medicinal puncture used by Tibetan surgeons.  

External Medicinal Therapies
Hu Qing Yu Tang Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Hangzhou, China