Health Benefits Of The Echinacea Plant

Health Benefits of Echineacea Plant

All species of the Echinacea plant (also called American Coneflower, Black Sampson and Black Susan) are native to North America. All parts of the plant are seen to have medicinal value and are available in extracts, juices, teas, tinctures, tablets, capsules and ointments.


A perennial herb of the daisy family, its nine species grow to 1 to 2 feet (20 to 30 centimeters). Commonly called purple coneflowers, the Echinacea blooms large showy heads of composite pink to purple flowers. The name derives from the prickly scales in the conical dark brown to red seed heads that resemble the spines on a hedgehog or sea urchin.


The Native Americans used Echinacea as a traditional herbal remedy more than 400 years ago to treat infections and wounds, and as a universal ‘cure-all’. Settlers adopted the use of the Echinacea and it became widely accepted and utilized. The introduction of antibiotics and lack of scientific evidence to back its value led to a steep decline in its use.

Recently, the Echinacea has regained popularity, in part because some antibiotics are shown as losing their effectiveness against particular types of bacteria. Additionally, there is a new up-trend in using traditional remedies to maintain wellness.

Uses And Benefits

The three commonly used Echinacea species are the Narrow-leaf Coneflower, the Pale Purple Coneflower and the Purple Coneflower or Eastern Purple Coneflower. Medicines are made from the flowers, leaves and roots of one, two or a combination of the three species.

The Echinacea is thought to help decrease inflammation; relieve pain; stimulate the immune system; exhibit hormonal and antioxidant effects; and directly act against yeast and other types of fungi. These properties account for the long list of uses to which the plant is applied.

Uses include fighting infections – usually the common cold, the flu and other upper respiratory infections, where it is thought to reduce symptoms, such as sore throat, cough and fever. Gum disease, tonsillitis, streptococcus infections and ear infections are also treated by Echinacea. Other infections treated with this herb are urinary tract infections, and vaginal yeast infections.

It alleviates chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), rheumatism, migraines, acid indigestion, dizziness, rattlesnake bites, and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Skin applications treat boils, abscesses, skin wounds, burns, eczema, psoriasis, skin damage due to UV radiation, bee stings, and hemorrhoids.

Preliminary studies suggest Echinacea may help inhibit colon tumors when combined with cichoric acid.

Side Effects

Many intensive reviews have shown that Echinacea by-products do not usually present side effects. In the rare cases when side effects were observed, they were both mild and reversible.


Traditional use and scientific studies have shown the versatility and usefulness of the Echinacea plant. Professional herbalists, however, feel that we have yet to tap into the full potential of this amazing plant.

Echinacea plant (American Coneflower, Black Sampson or Black Susan)
ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA DC. Botanischer Garten der Universität Innsbruck, Austria


The Benefits Of Sleep

Sleeping Girl on the bed
The Benefits Of Sleep – 6 Good Reasons To Catch Those ZZZ’s

6 Good Reasons To Catch Those ZZZ’s

Sleep is vital to the overall well–being of all aspects of our bodies (both mental and physical). But as we try to balance commitments to family, friends, and work we often end up sacrificing rest and necessary sleep. Lack of sleep, whether for just one night or on a recurring basis can have detrimental effects on our health and ability to effectively cope with everyday situations.

As we sleep we cycle through periods of deep sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep (or dreaming), with the REM portion increasing as we sleep longer. Enjoying the maximum restorative benefits of sleep requires getting 4 -5 sets of these sleep cycles per night.

Benefits Of Sleep

  1. Adequate sleep makes vaccines work more efficiently. Studies show that a person who gets sufficient sleep and receives the flu vaccine develop better resilience to the illness than those who are sleep deprived.
  1. Sleep affects the general quality of life, helping to ward off various adverse conditions. It reduces stress levels and fosters better control of blood pressure, boosting cardiovascular health. A good night’s sleep decreases anxiety since it provides more emotional stability. Conversely, a consistent lack of sufficient sleep can contribute to depression.
  1. Sleep helps to limit inflammation linked to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, and premature aging. Higher levels of inflammatory proteins are registered in the blood of persons who get less than six hours of sleep a night.
  1. As you sleep you strengthen memories and “practice” skills (both physical and mental) learnt while you were awake. Studies show college students who didn’t get enough sleep had worse grades than those who did. In similar studies, athletes who get sufficient sleep displayed increased stamina and less daytime fatigue.
  1. Avoid accidents. Sleeplessness affects reaction time and decision making, and insufficient sleep for just one night can be as detrimental to your driving ability as having an alcoholic drink. Records show that in crashes due to the driver’s performance, being tired accounts for the highest number of fatal single-car run-off-the-road accidents.
  1. Sleep and metabolism are controlled by the same areas of the brain and the hormones in the blood that drive appetite increase with sleepiness. Therefore, dieters who are sleep deprived feel hungrier than those who are well rested, and they tend to lose less fat.

Sufficient (good) sleep directly correlates with improved health. A good night’s sleep on a regular basis can help to ensure that you get the most out of every day.

Related Article: Acupuncture for Restful Sleep

Tongue Sublingual Vein Research

Tongue diagnosis: relationship between sublingual tongue morphology in three tongue protrusion angles and menstrual clinical symptoms.



The morphological and color characteristics of the tongue sublingual veins (SLVs) can manifest differently within the subjects, depending on the way their tongue is curled upward. This study was conducted in order to investigate the clinical relevancy of tongue SLV diagnosis in relation to menstrual clinical symptoms (pain, clots, heavy, and scanty), using three different inspection procedures (IP1, IP2, and IP3).


Three-hundred and seventy-seven female patients were asked to stick out their tongues in three specific ways which were intended to create different tongue protrusion angles. The SLV parameters for thickness (TK), length (LE), color (CL), shape (SP), and nodules (ND) were then evaluated.


According to the results of the Wald χ2 test, IP1 provides the best model for pain (R2=0.155), IP3 for clots (R2=0.437), IP2 for heavy (R2=0.268), and scanty (R2=0.192). Abnormal SLV diagnostic parameters were most strongly associated with the clinical symptom of clots (R2=0.492).


While the study showed the relations between tongue SLV features and menstrual clinical symptoms, as well it showed that IP2 was the best overall predictor for the symptomatic indexes used in this study, and using one particular SLV inspection procedure may not be sufficient. The application of a particular inspection method alone may cause under- or over-estimation of SLV abnormalities.

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Wonderful Water – 6 Great Reasons to Drink Up

Water Health Benefits
6 Benefits Of Drinking Water

What’s odorless, tasteless, colorless and an essential part of any diet? Water, of course! Processes such as digestion, creation of saliva and the regulation of body temperature require that our bodies maintain the correct balance of water.

We naturally lose water when we breathe, perspire, or pass urine and stool. We run the risk of dehydration when water lost is not replaced at a reasonable rate. We can get the water our body needs from plain water, liquids and food (trying to ensure that our sources are as healthful as possible). Here are 6 great reasons to ensure that your body gets the water it deserves.


6 Benefits Of Drinking Water

  1. Body fluids are kept in balance as your brain regulates how much water is excreted in urine and how much is retained in the blood. Don’t ignore the thirst cues your brain sends. Grab a glass of water, juice, coffee, or milk. Just about anything will do (except alcohol which can lead to dehydration through excess of water loss).


  1. Your kidneys need an adequate supply of water to effectively rid the body of wastes and toxins. Your chances of developing kidney stones are greatly reduced if you drink enough water. Urine that is light-colored, odorless and flows freely is an indication that you are getting enough water.


  1. Normal bowel function relies on you taking in sufficient water. You keep constipation at bay and your colon does not need to reabsorb water from your stools to maintain your body’s hydration level.


  1. Water plays a vital role in weight loss and maintenance. Use it to quench your thirst or to replace a sugary high-calorie beverage to go with you meal. Opt for healthy foods with a high water content that will lessen your calories while giving you beneficial nutrients. Some good sources are fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, broth-based soups, and beans.


  1. Muscle fatigue, from dehydrated muscles, occurs when cells do not maintain the right balance of electrolytes and water. This means you need to regularly replace water lost during exercise or other strenuous activity. Drink approximately 17 ounces of water 2 hours prior to exercise and keep up regular replacement of water lost due to sweating.


  1. Your skin actually contains a high percentage of water and has the function of preventing excess water loss from the body. Drinking sufficient water is a smart way to keep your skin looking and feeling good. It won’t erase wrinkles, but it can combat the drying, withered effect of dehydration.


The amount of water we consume directly impacts our state of health. So fill your glass or grab a wedge of juicy melon and let’s toast to your health!

Five Fabulous Fiber Facts

Woman holding an apple with a hand on her abdomen.
Five Fabulous Dietary Fiber Facts

Whatever you call it, fiber, roughage or bulk, is often touted for its usefulness in helping to maintain bowel regularity. While this is undoubtedly true, there are other great benefits to ensuring that your diet contains sufficient fiber.

Fiber is the indigestible part of plant food (fruits and vegetables), that passes relatively intact through the digestive system and out of the body. It comes in two forms – soluble (dissolves in water) and insoluble (does not dissolve in water). Both types are beneficial to the body and found in most foods. Some good sources are apples, corn, potatoes, avocados, oats, peas, beans, almonds and citrus fruits.

So, you might be wondering how something that your body cannot breakdown could be good for you. Here are five reasons for adding that lovely bulk to your diet that can aid in maintaining your overall health.


Five Benefits Of Dietary Fiber

by Naturopathic Doctor Toronto

  1. Fiber regularizes bowel movements by adding weight and volume to stool while softening it. This makes it easier for stool to pass out of the body, decreasing the risk of constipation. On the flip side, watery stools are solidified by fiber, since it absorbs excess water as it bulks up the stool.
  1. Fiber has been shown useful in helping to maintain good bowel health by lowering the risk of you developing hemorrhoids and diverticular disease (small pouches in the colon). It is also felt that colon health is aided by fermentation of fiber in the colon.
  1. Soluble fiber, of which fruits (especially oranges), oats and beans are excellent sources, lowers “bad” cholesterol levels, leading to a reduction in total blood cholesterol. Fiber also reduces blood pressure, and that’s a very heart-healthy fact.
  1. Soluble fiber slows the absorption of sugar, helping to improve blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. The insoluble variety (high in brown rice, whole-wheat bread and the seeds and skins of fruit) reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  1. High fiber foods work in several ways to help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight. Firstly, since these foods are bulkier, they increase the volume of food you consume without adding to your calorie intake. Additionally, a high-fiber meal leaves you feeling fuller for longer, since it takes more time for your body to digest fiber-rich foods. High-fiber foods also increase the amount of time you spend chewing. Your body is then better able to register that you are full before you actually end up overeating.

Far from bland, fiber comes in great tasting whole foods that are nutrient rich and low in calories. It benefits so many aspects of your health, while encouraging you to add important variety to your meals.

8 Key Steps to Staying Healthy

Young healthy woman exercising in the gym
8 Key Steps to Staying Healthy

Getting healthy is a long-term commitment that can help you thriving throughout life. With motivation and determination, you can make and stick to healthy lifestyle choices. You will reap benefits well into the future from the changes you make today.

Here are 8 tips on getting healthy in all areas of your life.

1. Be Physically Active

You can go walking, running, or dancing, take part in a sport activity, do some yoga or just about anything that keeps you active. Aim for 30 minutes of physical activity on most days. This may be broken into three 10-minute sessions for the day.

2. Eat a Well-Balanced Diet

Variety and moderation are important to remember. Eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains and include healthy fats. Drink sufficient water throughout the day and watch your sugar and salt intake.

3. Check Your Weight but Don’t Obsess

Being fit does not mean you are setting out to win any competitions! Check your weight and BMI and discuss these with your doctor if you feel you may be over or underweight. Being healthy is more about your overall condition and less about a number on a scale.

4. Brush Your Teeth

A healthy mouth is the start of good nutrition. It also promotes self-esteem, and enhances social interaction. Brush your teeth after meals, after drinking and before going to bed. And don’t forget to floss daily!

5. Get Enough Sleep and Rest

Restorative sleep is vital to optimizing your daily activities. Your relationships, work and overall health benefit from a good night’s sleep. Sleep also boosts your memory power, increases longevity, and eases inflammation in the body.

6. Exercise Your Brain

Your brain is activated by your senses, so try mixing things up a bit to keep your brain active and engaged. Allow your brain to flex its muscles – attempt everyday tasks with your other hand, get hooked on brainteaser puzzles, and try a new route to work.

7. Maintain a Healthy Outlook

Indulge in some ‘me time’ doing things that make you happy. Keeping in touch with family and friends, and community involvement also go a long way towards improved overall health. Lifelong learning also helps, so sign up for a new course, or learn a new language or skill.

8. Cut Yourself Some Slack

Remember you are only human so don’t beat up yourself for missing a health and fitness target here and there. The best trick is to start small, making simple changes daily. The changes are more likely to stick if you make them gradually and give yourself time to adjust. After all it’s a healthy lifestyle you are hoping to develop – give it some time.

Is Acupuncture The Secret To Solving Your Acne Problems?

Acupuncture for acne
Is Acupuncture The Secret To Solving Your Acne Problems?

If your dresser is full of face moisturizers, scrubs, spot correctors, and failed cleansers, and you’re still seeing unsightly red pimples every time you look in a mirror, you may need to change your methods. Living with acne can be frustrating – aside from the emotional and physical effects, it can also be very painful.

If modern treatment methods have done nothing to help you overcome your acne, you may want to try acupuncture. Acupuncture can assist to relive many different ailments, from chronic pain to psychiatric issues, and new research has shown that it can also help with acne.

How Traditional Chinese Medicine Views Acne

In Western medicine, acne vulgaris is explained as red pimples resulting from clogged, infected, or inflamed hair follicles. Oils, makeup, dead skin cells all combined on the skin can clog hair follicles on the face.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) diagnoses pimples and blackheads on the skin as the result of excess bacteria, heat, and dampness due to poor eating habits, emotional imbalances, and toxins in the surroundings. TCM teaches that they are all in an energy channel in the body which connects all organs including the skin.

Organs such as lungs, stomach and spleen are involved in the prevention of acne due to their functions and the energy channels linking them to the skin. First, the lungs control the skin, including the hair follicles and the opening and closing of pores that release excess heat from the body. This is why most lung diseases result in skin eruptions. Research has revealed that substances that are released in the body, from skin conditions like eczema, can circulate through the body and trigger allergic reactions.

The stomach, which is naturally warm to breakdown food for digestion, can easily store too much heat. When too much heat has gathered in the stomach, pimples can then form on areas that share the same energy channel, such as the face and chest. Any dampness can then result in oily skin which often leads to acne. Dampness in the spleen is also believed to affect the skin since it works with the stomach in digestion by transforming food that has been digested to refined essences. If the spleen is not working well, dampness can accumulate more easily in the stomach. Spicy and greasy foods can usually affect the spleen’s role in digestion. TCM believes that these factors; as well as stress, eating habits, and hereditary genes, contribute to acne.

How Acupuncture Treats Acne

An acupuncturist may decide what treatment methods to use based on the individual’s diagnosis. Generally an interview is done with the client in addition to the inspection of the tongue and skin. The patient’s pulse may also be taken. Once the cause for the acne is established, the acupuncturist can begin treatment. Fine hair-thin, pre sterilized disposable needles are inserted to acupuncture points that correspond to the skin. The acupressure points used for treating acne are usually related to energy points that connect the stomach, lung, and spleen. Some acupuncturists will also recommend herbs to patients with acne.

Natural Treatment for Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection

Natural Treatment for Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection

Acupuncture May Be the Answer!

Do you feel burning sensations or urgency during urination? Does your urine have pungent foul smell? Or any signs of abdominal cramps and severe pain during intercourse? If answers to all of these questions are positive then maybe you have a urinary tract infection and its time to have proper check up by a skilled medical practitioner. Moreover, if you have faced these symptoms twice over a span of last 6 – 12 months then its recurrent urinary tract infection and you must take treatment as it’s a very alarming health condition.

Medical science has been advancing at a very fast pace but still there is no satisfactory treatment for recurrent urinary tract infections. Most antibiotics have various side-effects and are susceptible to develop resistant bacteria in the body. Perhaps, this is the key reason that most of the patients prefer natural treatment, since it involves fewer risks and more benefits. So if you are diagnosed with recurrent urinary tract infection, then it will be wise to go for a natural treatment.

There are so many natural treatments for recurrent urinary tract infections with their specific set of benefits and risks. However, the most popular and effective natural treatments are Herbal extracts, Homeopathic medicines, Probiotic supplements and Acupuncture. Let’s know about their brief details:

  • Herbal Extracts like green tea, Uva-ursi, milk thistle, cranberry juice and corn silk are known to have amazing therapeutic effects for recurrent urinary tract infections. However, its quite tricky to have right ratio of some herbs as excessive or any wrong dosage can result in potential risks to your overall health. So, its advisable that you consult any natural medicine practitioner before taking any herbal treatment.
  • In homeopathic medicine, there are so many different treatments available depending upon the different kinds of symptoms faced by patients. A professional homeopathic practitioner will always take into account your specific symptoms, overall physical and emotional health, then he will prescribe you a oroper Cantharis, Aconitum, Pulsatilla and Nux Vomica are among most common homeopathic remedies for recurrent urinary tract infections.
  • Probiotic supplements are another effective natural treatment for recurrent urinary tract infections. Probiotics are natural microorganisms which are beneficial for health and prevent urinary tract infections. However, currently there are not enough studies that could support effectiveness of this natural treatment for recurrent urinary tract infections.
  • So far, acupuncture is considered as the most effective natural treatment for recurrent urinary tract infections. Recent studies have supported its effectiveness and also gave evidence that acupuncture has the capability to prevent recurrent urinary tract infections in the adult women. If your acupuncturist is skilled then the risks are very low and the benefits are very rewarding. Some acupuncturists also prescribe traditional Chinese medicine formulas such as Choreito (Zhu Ling Tang), Gorinsan (Wu Lin San) or other herbal medicine to treat urinary symptoms in conjunction with acupuncture.

Your choices decide the fate of your life, so choose the best natural treatment and save yourself a lot of trouble. All above mentioned natural treatments can be effective but acupuncture may stand out in its ability to treat as well as prevent recurrent urinary tract infections. Even it has good history of treating cystitis in women suffering from recurrent urinary tract infections. This is safe and probably the best alternative for antibiotics, so stop wasting your time and energies in taking treatments that won’t work. Start doing the obvious, be safe and healthy again!

Related Article: Acupuncture for Overactive Bladder